The Gawler Show is the largest country show in South Australia, and is run the weekend before the start of the Royal Adelaide Show. This year’s show was on the 29th and 30th if August, and the museum attended with 4 vehicles, and the 25 pounder field gun with limber.
Setup started at 0930 on the Friday, leaving the museum with Ray driving the Acco with Limber and 25lb Gun, Mike driving the Koop, Ryan in the Kennys Blitz, Darrly Lavis in the “support vehicle bus” and Russell in his Austin. The group departed in convoy up the Northern Expressway to Gawler. Unfortunately about 5km out from Gawler the Kenny Blitz decided to give up the ghost, with a probable electrical problem. The rest of the group continued on to Gawler with remaining vehicles. and then returned to the museum in the bus to gather towing equipment to recover the Blitz. The Blitz was successfully towed to the Gawler Show with the Acco. Following setup all returned back in the bus to the museum by 1530.
Saturday, day one, 9 am to 6 pm, Terry Kowalik, Don Blackmore, John Fisk, Ryan Vallis and Russell Vine. It was a busy day, with lots of interest and many brochures handed out. It was a great promotion for the museum and also the show and shine on the 20th of September.
Sunday, day two, 9 am to 5 pm, Young Terry (dressed in artillery battle dress – lots of pics taken with him), Bill and Eileen Prior, Ron Day and Russell Vine. Again great day and busy lots of interest and brochures hand out in large numbers. Ray Hall, Mike and Thomas Jebb arrived later in the day to assist with taking the vehicles back to the museum. The first run left at 1700, leaving the Kenny Blitz behind to collect on the second run, Austin car, Koop and Acco / Limber and gun back at museum by a little after 1730. Ray with Mike, Thomas and Russell then went back to Gawler to recover the Kenny Blitz. It was slow drive home back along the expressway, which was now getting dark. Russell followed behind in his Barina applying Hazard lights off and on to let the traffic from behind know we were travelling slow. We arrived safely back at the museum by 1930. Unfortunately the Koop, noticed on return the generator has given up with bearing issues, but it somehow made it back ok.
All in all a successful weekend and fantastic opportunity to advertise the museum, society and the work we do, especially to people and families north of Adelaide.
Thanks to all that attended the two days at the show and also taking the vehicles up on Friday and returning them Sunday afternoon / evening. It was a tiring couple of days, but well worth it.
we will be attending the Royal Adelaide Show for its full 10 day run, however part if the agreement with them is that they will transport all of the vehicles on flat-bed trucks, so at least we won’t have to worry about breakdowns.